6GHz - be careful
Last week we had another #WLAN #training with one of our customers. We also discussed the #Sidekick2 from Ekahau and #6GHz.
The result was, be careful! There are still some problems.
There is a very nice presentation by David Coleman at #WLPC 2022 about 6 GHz.
What does 6 GHz bring us?
There is 1.200MHz of additional spectrum at 6GHz in the #US and other countries. These are:
- 59 channels with 20MHz
- 29 channels with 40MHz
- 14 channels with 80MHz
Therefore, the initial assumption is that many networks will use 80MHz wide channels.
However, in Europe we have only received 480MHz of additional spectrum. These are then:
- 24 channels with 20MHz
- 12 channels with 40MHz
- 6 channels with 80MHz
Today, we already have 19 plus 4 20MHz channels with 5GHz, or even less, depending on the vendor. Using only 6 80MHz channels will probably not make sense. So 40MHz is currently very popular.
Where is the problem?
There are different methods to detect a 6GHz WLAN.
- RNR - Reduced Neighbor Reports
- FILS - Fast Initial Link Setup
- Unsolicited probe response frames
- PSC - Preferred Scanning Channels
RNR is the recommended method. Here the 6GHz WLAN is included over the 5GHz beacon. However, we do not learn any information about the RSSI there. We can only see the channel, the BSSID and the SSID.
I can also see this information on my Mac Book Pro without a 6GHz card using Adrian Granados WiFi Explorer Pro.
Now back to part of the problem. According to the settings, the Sidekick 2 only supports PSC channels.
Cisco Meraki
I therefore once configured my Cisco Meraki access points against all the rules. But which consumer and unfortunately also partly companies, adhere to the rules?
In principle, I could also configure the device according to the rules on channel 9 with a 40 MHz wide channel.
My fear was that Ekahau would not recognize this AP. My hope was that Ekahau would recognize this AP.
Unfortunately, my fear has been advocated. So I once again exhausted the scope of my 6GHz possibilities, a WLAN Pi Pro was still lying around.
Kismet detects my AP :27:f0, but not on channel 9, but channel 21. In addition, another AP is detected on channel 5, the other one is too far away.
WiFi Explorer
WiFi Explorer with the WLAN Pi Pro as remote sensor detects like Ekahau only the AP on channel 5. Even the same card as Kismet is used for the scan!
The WLAN Pi Pro itself detects the AP on channel 9 and 21, as well as another one on channel 5.
Be careful! We are at the beginning of 6GHz and all still have to learn a lot of new things and very important, ask questions!
Currently, a site survey is only possible with access points on PSC channels and not only with Ekahau. WiFi Explorer also only provides access points on PSC channels.
What is your experience with other devices?